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To the Oasis for Literary Souls


My name is Cleo Cuizon. 

And I reside in the beautiful islands of the Northern Marianas. With my passion for literature, I created a space to share my knowledge of the literary world and its artistry. 


Cleo's Literary Bubble

Creativity in words has been a concept I have marveled at since I was young. By using books to escape reality and understand the real world, I slowly understood its unfathomable power on myself or humanity. After acquiring my degree, I have been stuck with a question that continuously burns through my mind: What's next for me? And with years of deliberation, I realized that sharing my knowledge with the online world may deliver enriching outcomes. For someone who passionately devotes herself to literature, knowing that many people who feel that same way inspires the need to form a space dedicated to that passion. Creating a site dedicated to the mind's longing for insightful ideas, helpful resources, or a wholesome reflection becomes a mission I aspire to flourish. Therefore, in this new journey I decided to explore, I hope that this humble bubble will leave you with one thing it has always aimed to gift its visitors:
that learning, at its most, can be a rewarding process.

Slice of Life

An Ongoing Collection

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