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About Me



          My name is Cleo Cuizon and I am a Filipina born and raised in a Pacific region, specifically in the Nothern Marianas Islands. I am the only child of two lovely and hardworking parents, which may have a fundamental role after countless encouragement in scholastic book order hauls (still a beloved core memory). However, my love for literature did not necessarily emerge from the mundane routine of DEAR sessions, but rather, manifested from the people who emboldened the literary world with artistic wonder.

         Going back to senior year, I was entirely worried about a future that lacked ambition. I resorted to another field that I acquiesced to and hoped I wouldn't have multiple breakdowns in the process. However, one high school teacher swooped in with the most enlightening course that made this literary journey possible. Ms. Antenille Santos, if you happened to read this, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your AP English Course saved my entire years of adulthood and I would never have much hope in life if it weren't for you. I love and miss you. 

          I currently hold a Bachelor of Arts in English Language & Literature, which could be a pivotal factor in becoming a literary blogger. Therefore, I created this website to share what I have always loved to do; reading, writing and analyzing literature. I specialize in classical novels/poems, and several pieces from the modern & contemporary era. I also provide self-reflection relating to literature, helpful articles on essay writing and annotating, and a little of my potential in creative writing (please feel free to throw in some feedback, I greatly need it). I do not expect monetary gain, but I do wish to inspire others on sharing the beauty of literature and immersing in its insightful concepts. 


Thank you for visiting my blog, and I wish you genuine happiness.


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